Sunday, 28 May 2017

Reading Task

Image result for reading books

1. Choose one of the short stories to read and write a reading response on. They are both stories by NZ writer Witi Ihimaera.

A Game of Cards - Witi Ihimaera

The Seahorse and the Reef - Witi Ihimaera

2. Complete the reading response using this template - create your own copy don't use this one.

Reading Response Template

Numeracy 29/5

Use the 'To be achieved' section of your e-asTTle test to work on your math skills.

The FFL Website has each of the Number tasks and their are Numeracy booklets at each curriculum level for you to practice.  

What you need to post on your blog:
1. What skill are you working on in this block.
2. What activities have you completed in this period.
3. Post any work you have completed if possible.
4. Email any questions you have for your next block or if their are skills you are struggling with that you need assistance with.

Literacy - 'Pay it Forward'

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Current Events - Week 4

~ QUIZ ~

Click here to  access this weeks Current events Quiz  Password is:  pavalova17

Hint: Look through the articles on www.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Inquiry - Investigating Part B

Ensure that you complete and submit through your Google Classroom

Monday, 22 May 2017

Inquiry Assessment part two - Investigating

Morena Ladies

We have posted up your assessment information on the Google Classroom this morning.  We are moving into the more challenging tasks where you will need to be researching and further investigating your inquiry topic.  Kia kaha tonu e hine mā!

Click here to go to the google classroom and view your work.  If you have any questions email your mentor!

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Numeracy instructions from Ms Hill

1. Complete any of the Number tasks on the website
2. Add words you don't understand to the lolly jar and post all work to blog regardless of how much you have done so that we can see where you are at.

Literacy Braingym #2 Spelling

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Inquiry - Part one: Noticing

Step one of your Inquiry is due to be submitted to the blog by the end of our inquiry block tomorrow:  16th May

To clarify - Submit through Classroom:
1.  Your Brainstorm of your Key point/issue that you will be studying this term
2.  Your three articles that you have selected that are relevant to your key point/issue
3.  The Noticing assessment google document

If you have any questions - make sure to email your mentor!

Kia kaha tonu koutou!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Reading Exercise

Today we are reading a short story by NZ author Witi Ihimaera. Today you must read the short story and complete the reading response sheet (you can make this on your own doc/slides/whatever if you like just make sure you answer all the questions).

Link to A Game of Cards

Link to Reading Response Template (make your own copy!)

Pay it forward

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Current Events - Week 2

Watch/read the articles from the "Creating a New Future" introduction google slide and on your blog, answer the following questions


  1. Post the link of the article to your blog.
  2. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
  3. What was the key event from the news article?
  4. Where and when did this event take place?
  5. Explain in your own words why this event took place
      5. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future 


       What is your personal opinion on this issue?

Aim for a minimum of 150 words for this task.

You must publish this to your blog before moving on to any other work.

~ QUIZ ~

Click here to  access this weeks Current events Quiz  Password is:  pavalova17

Hint: Look through the articles on www.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Curious what Digital Bytes is all about?

Curious what Digital Bytes is all about?

Digital Bytes is all about how you can explore and influence the digital world in which you live. Many teens have inspired/impacted the digital world in a big way...

  • Seniors, known as the West High Bros, make the world a kinder place "one word at a time."
  • One kid inspires imaginations globally with his cardboard magic.
  • Erika used YouTube to take a stand and become a leader in the Dreamer movement.
These teens have found their voices. When is yours going to be heard? Be part of a real conversation and show us what you've got.

TASK: This task is to be completed either in pairs or individually. Go the following website to start this task

DUE DATE: End of Week 6

Literacy Braingym #1