Monday, 8 May 2017

Curious what Digital Bytes is all about?

Curious what Digital Bytes is all about?

Digital Bytes is all about how you can explore and influence the digital world in which you live. Many teens have inspired/impacted the digital world in a big way...

  • Seniors, known as the West High Bros, make the world a kinder place "one word at a time."
  • One kid inspires imaginations globally with his cardboard magic.
  • Erika used YouTube to take a stand and become a leader in the Dreamer movement.
These teens have found their voices. When is yours going to be heard? Be part of a real conversation and show us what you've got.

TASK: This task is to be completed either in pairs or individually. Go the following website to start this task

DUE DATE: End of Week 6

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