Monday 23 July 2018

Inquiry period Tuesday 24th July


I have put the invention booklets at the front of the room.  You need to ensure you have read booklet section one and started Section two:  Students need to finish the Venn diagram on inventions / innovation.  They need to provide a definition and examples of ecological sustainability.

Students can then start brainstorming around the following ideas to start thinking about inventions and innovations they might use or create later in the project.
- How can we reduce waste/pollution using technology?
- What app do you wish you could have that doesn't exist yet?
- What invention what make life easier?
- If you could change a law what would it be?
- How can we look after our trees?
- What is the most important resource and how can we look after it?
- What would you like to see changed?
- What would be a cool app to use?
-What ideas do you have for inventions?

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